Case 2 Shelf 3 Front Row, except were noted
- Acta Apostolorum. By Georg Calixtus. Brunswick: A Duncker, 1654. With this is bound his work on Romans, Peter, Thessalonians, Colossians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Titus, Corinthians, Hebrews, etc. Calixtus 1586-1656 held that only docrinal matters in Scripture are inspired, but the writers were kept from error also in other matters.
- Agenda. Das ist Kirchenordnung. Dresden: Matthes Stöckel, 1558.
- Annotationes Piae ac Doctae in Evangelium. By Johannes Oecolampadius. Basel, 1533. Oecolampadius, 1482-1531, worked with Erasmus in publishing the New Testament in Greek and attended the Marburg Colloquy. He died within weeks of the death of his colleague and political ally Zwingli.
- Anzeigung und Bekantnus des Glaubens MDXXX. A reprinting of the first German edition of the Augsburg Confession produced in Nürnberg: Verlag Medien & Kultur, 1979. Donated by Edgar Krentz. Case 3 Shelf 3
- Articulus de providentia dei et aeterna praedestinatione. By Aegidio Hunnius. 1596. Hunnius (1550-1603) was a strong opponent of Calvinism and helpd compose Saxon Visitation Articles. He tried unsuccessfully to win the University of Marburg and the Church of Hesse for the Formula of Concord.
- Assertio septem sacramentorum adversus Mart. Lutherum. By Henry VIII. Reprinted, 1562. Because of this critique of Luther’s Babylonian Captivity of the Church, the Pope gave Henry the title of Confessor of the Faith. Case 3 Shelf 4
- The Bible of the Poor. Translation and Commentary by Albert C. Labriola and John W. Smeltz. Pittsburg, PA: Duquesne University Press, 1990 (Facsimile). Donated by Edgar Krentz.
- The Byble, which is all the Holy Scripture. Translated into English by Thomas Matthew (John Rogers). 1549. Title page missing, but New Testament title page is present. Case 4 Shelf 3
- Catalogus testium veritatis qui ante nostram aetatem reclamarung. Preface by Flacius. Basil: Oporinum, 1556. Also one page (Luke 2-3) from another copy of this Bible. Case 2 Shelf 5
- The Christian Book of Concord, or Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Newmarket: Solomon D. Henkel & Bros., 1851. Various translators and editors are listed on p. iv. Solomon Henkel, 1777-1847, was the son of Paul Henkel 1754-1825, who founded several Lutheran Synods in the southeastern section of the United States. This translation helped mark the beginning of renewed interest in the Lutheran Confessions among American Lutherans. This book was given to LSTC by Virginia Coiner Classick in memory of her father, the Rev. Professor Harry G. Coiner. Harry Coiner was the great great great grandson of Paul Henkel. Case 5 shelf 2
- The Christian Book of Concord, or Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Second Edition. Newmarket: Solomon D. Henkel & Bros., 1854. This book was given to LSTC by Virginia Coiner Classick in memory of her father, the Rev. Harry G. Coiner. Further details under the previous item. Case 5 shelf 2
- Clavis Scripturae Sacrae, Seu De sermone Sacrarum Literarum, in duas partes divisae. Two volumes. Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1719. With this book, Flacius founded the discipline of hermeneutics. Vol 1 was a biblical dictionary that explained Greek words on the basis of their Hebrew background. Vol 2 was a collection of essays on interpretation. Flacius insisted that the Bible was written from the beginning with vowel points. In fact, he traced the vowel points back to Adam. Case 2 Shelf 5
- Commentarius de Lutheranismo sive de reformatione religionis. By Ludwig Seckendorf. Frankfurt, 1692. Case 2 Shelf 5
- Commentarius de Lutheranismo sive de reformatione religionis. By Ludwig Seckendorf. Frankfurt, 1692.Case 2 Shelf 5 back row
- Commentarius historicus et apologeticus de Lutheranismo. Bu Ludwig von Seckendrof. Frankfurt and Leipzig: Gleditsch, 1692. This work is a refutation of L Maimbourg’s Histoire du Lutheranisme. Case 2 Shelf 5 back row
- De confessione secreta. 1525. An attack on Johannes Oecolampadius. Oecolampadius’s reply to this attack is contained in this volume: Elleboron, Pro eodem Jacobo Latomo. Latomus 1475-1544; Oecolampadius 1482-1531. Latomus interogated Tyndale in prison.
De Conventu Augustano Aliquot Elegiae Georgii Sabini. By Philip Melanchton. Wittenberg: Joseph Club, 1530. Case 3 Shelf 3
- De Festivitatibus gloriosissime virginis Marie. Sermons de sanctis. Biel, 1420-1495. His writings were among the first works read by Luther.
- De Libro Concordiae quem vocant Admonitio Christiana. By Johannes Casimiri, 1581. Also contained in this volume: Nikolaus Selnecker, Recitationes Aliquot….
- De nativitate Mediatoris Ultima, Nunc Futura…. By Gulielmo Postello. 1547.
- De Veritate Corporis et Sanguinis Christi in Eucharistia. By Johanem Roffensem (John Fisher). 1527. Fisher opposed Luther, but also opposed divorce of Henry VIII. He was executed in 1535.
- De Vita Christi. By Ludolph of Saxony. 1516. Luther had steeped himself in the interpretations of the story of the Nativity by Ludwig of Saxony and many others.
- De Vita Christiana et Monastici instituti. By Caspar Schatzger. 1524.
Ecclesiastica Historica. Vols 1-5. Edited by Matthias Flacius Illyricus. 1560-1566. The Magdeburg Centuries. Thje Magdeburg Centuries were the first comprehensive history of the church in more than a millennium. Flacius (1520-1575) was extensively involved with the prefaces. He was harshly critical of Melanchthon. The LSTC set is complete except for the 12th and 13th centuries. Case 2 Shelf 5
- Matthias Flacius Illyricus und seine Zeit. By Wilhelm Preger. Erste Hälfte. Erlangen: Theodor Bläsing, 1859. Donated by Edgar Krentz. Previously owned by Prof. J. T. Mueller. Case 2 Shelf 5
- Enchiridion Controversiarum quae Augustanae Confessionis Theologis cum Anabaptistis intercedunt……..By M. Luca Osiander. Tübingen: Georgium Gruppenbachium, 1605. Lukas Osiainder, the Younger (1571-1638). A book against the Anabaptists.
- Die erste und anders Epistel des heyligen apostels S. Pauli an die Thessalolnicher. By Cyriarcus Spangenberg (1528-1604). Strassburg, 1564. Case 2 shelf 5
- A Facsimile of the Gutenberg Bible. Paterson, NJ: Pageant Books, 1961. Case 11
- A Facsimile of Luther’s Small Catechism. Published in 1979 by Concordia Publishing House on the 450th anniversary of the first publication. This is a facsimile of the 1531 edition held by the Bodleian Library at Oxford. No known copies of the original publication of 1529. Case 3 Shelf 3
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