Anniversary Medals for 1867 – 2017

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Obverse: The name of the Lord is the strongest tower. 1517
Reverse: Seventh Jubilee of the Great Reformation. A Memorial. Evangelical Lutheran Church America 1867
Weight 20.3 gr; Height 38.48 mm; Width 38.46 mm. Zak 277.

Obverse: Martin Luther. Born November 10, 1483. For the 400th anniversary of the Reformation. 1917
Reverse: Evangelical Lutheran Concordia Hospital in Chicago. Dollar Gabe. W. B. Bock. Built for $100,000 about 1915. Weight 25.2 gr; Height 38.86 mm; Width 38.79 mm.

Obverse: Dr. Martin Luther. Born 1483; Died 1546. George Schwartze designed this medal. Konrad Begeer carried out the design.
Reverse: Terjherinnering 400 sten Jaardag der Kerkher Vorming–Amsterdam. In remembrance of the 400th anniversary of the reform of the churches.Swan with Bible and Luther rose. Weight 69.9 gr Height  61.58 mm; Width 42.06 mm. Brozatus #1465-1466; Zak 325.

Obverse: Martin Luther 1483-1546
Reverse: Quadricentennial of the Reformation. American 1917. Weight 5.7 gr; Height 25.49 mm; Width 25.31 mm. Not found in Brozatus, Schnell, Whiting, and Zak

Obverse: A mighty Fortress is our God. Dr. Martin Luther 1483-1546.
Reverse: Quadricentennial of the Reformation. John 3:14-15. 1517-1917. Artist Swanson. Issued in the United States. Weight 27.6 gr; Height 38.02 mm; Width 37.99 mm. Whiting 860

Obverse: Luther Posting the Ninety-Five Theses.
Reverse: Quadricentennial of the Lutheran Reformation. Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise. God help me. 1517-1917. Issued in the United States. Lower right W. & H. co. Weight 8.4 gr; Height 28.79 mm; Width 28.79 mm. Zak 341

Obverse: Martin Luther 1517
Reverse: Be afraid, but the devil we will not fear. Koburg 1530. Dresden 1517. Iron metal. Weight 21.5 gr; Height 39.82 mm; Width 40 mm. Brozatus #1481; Schnell 361; Zak 330.

Obverse: Dr. Martin Luther. Designed by Josef Prinz.
Reverse: Wartburg. October 31, 1517-1917. For the Celebration of the Reformation. The Lutheran Community in Vienna. Wartburg in upper register, door of Castle Church in middle register, and view of Wittenberg in lower register. Weight 94.1 gr Height 60.45 mm; Width 60.44 mm. Brozatus #1536; Whiting 863.

Obverse: A Mighty Fortress is our God. Dr. Maartin Luther 1483-1546.
Reverse: Quadricentennial of the Reformation. John 3:14-15. Weight 30.4 gr; Height 69.85 mm; Width 69.89 mm. Whiting 860.

Obverse: A mighty fortress is our God. Dr. Martin Luther. 1483-1546.
Reverse: Quadricentennial of the Reformation. John 3:14-15. Weight 26.3l gr; Height 38 mm; Width 38.07 mm. Whiting 860.

Picture of Luther 1517-1917. The Whitehead and Hoag Company. Newark, NJ. Weight 1.6 gr; Height 21.87 mm; Width 21.87 mm. Not in any reference work.





Obverse: # 9: Luther’s first hearing at Worms. 1521
Reverse: German Democratic Republic (East Germany) 1967. 450 years of the Reformation. Weight 15 gr; Height 26.57 mm; Width 26.56 mm Zak 400.9

Obverse: The 450th Anniversary of the Reformation. 1517-1967 Dr. Martin Luther
Reverse: Canada Centennial 1867-1967. The bottom of the cross points to Port Churchill where the first Lutheran worship service was held in Canada. Weight 34.9 gr; Height 40.54 mm; Width 40.59 mm. Brozatus #1606; Zak 399

Obverse: Luther in monk’s garb, modeled after Cranach. Mar-tin Luth-er. Serial number 111.
Reverse: view of Castle Church in Wittenberg. 1517 Wittenberg 1967, 450th anniversary of the Reformation. Issued in Amsterdam. Weight 15.3 gr; Height 50 mm; Width 50 mm. Brozatus #1588; Schnell 406; Zak 401.

Medal issued by the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau in 2017 commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. Obverse Dr. Martin Luther and Frederick the Wise. Reverse: printing presses spread Luther’s 95 theses. Rev 14:6-7

Obverse: From Conflict to Communion. The First Joint Commemoration of the Reformation. Lutherans and Roman Catholics together. October 16, 2016. Dr. Martin Luther and Pope Francis. Reverse: Augsburg Confession June 25, 1530. Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification by the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church. October 31, 1999. John 17:21-23; John 15:4. Issued by the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau.






Photographs contributed by the Rev. Frederick J. Schumacher


Brozatus, Klaus-Peter. Refomatio in Nummis. Osnabrück: Künker, 2015.
Schnell, Hugo. Martin Luther und die Reformation auf Münzen und Medaillen. München: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1983.
Martin Luther und die Reformation auf Münzen und Medaillen. Collection of Robert B. Whiting. April 1983.
The Story of Martin Luther and the Reformation as Told by the Coin, Medal, Jetton Collection of Miss H. E. Zak. September 1979.
Smith, Thurman L. Coins and Medals of the Reformation: A Select Bibliography. Sixteenth Century Bibliography 32. St. Louis: Center for Reformation Research, 1995.

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