Rare Books Facsimiles



Aldus Manutius and his Thesaurus Cornucopiae of 1496. Translated by Antje Lemke. Introduction by Donald B. Bean. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1958. Manutius announced his plans to publish the complete works of Aristotle in five volumes. Facsimile is published in this edition. Case 10

Augsburger Konfession. Anzeigung und Bekantnus des Glaubens MDXXX (Facsimile of the Augsburg Confession) Nürnberg: Verlag Medien & Kultur, 1979. Case 3 shelf 3













Fabriny, Tibor. Martin Luther’s Last Will and Testament. A Facsimile of the Original Document. Dublin: Ussher Press, 1982. Case 3 shelf 2

The Holy Bible. As Printed by Robert Aitken and Approved & Recommended by the Congress of the United States of America in 1782. New York: Arno Press, 1968. Case 4 shelf 4

An Indulgence from 1515, issued by Albert, archbishop of Mainz. Introductory essay on Indulgences by Scott Hendrix, Professor Emeritus Princeton Theological Seminary. Case 8 shelf 1

Labriola, Albert C. and John W. Smeltz, translators and commentators. The Bible of the Poor. A Facsimile and Edition of the British Library Blockbook C.9 d.2. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1990. Case 2 shelf 3 front row

Luther, Martin. Kleiner Catechismus. Wittenberg, 1531. Facsimile, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1979. Original in Bodleian Library, Oxford.

Luther, Martin. Kleiner Catechismus. Nürnberg: Christoff Gutknecht, 1547.  Facsimile, Nürnberg: Medien & Kultur, 1917. Case 3 shelf 3

Luther, Martin. Passional Christi und Antichristi. Includes Letters of Pope Pius IX and Kaiser Wilhelm. Leipzig, Robert Hoffmann, 1873. Case 3 shelf 4

Luther, Martin. Von der Freiheit einer Christenmenschen

Patent issued by Joseph II of Austria, 1741-1790, legalizing Protestantism in 1781. Case 2 shelf 4.

Reinke, Edgar C. and Gottfried G. Krodel, translators. Nicolaus Marschalk’s Commencement Address, Delivered at the University of Wittenberg, January 18, 1503. Valparaiso, IN: Valparaiso University Association 1967. Case 2 shelf 4.

Sheppard, Gerald T., ed. The Geneva Bible. The Annotated New Testament 1602 Edition. New York: The Pilgrim Press, 1989. Case 4 shelf 1.






Nicolaus Marschalk’s Commencement Address, Delivered at the University of Wittenberg, January 18, 1503. Translated by Edgar C. Reinke and Gottfried G. Krodel.  Valparaiso, IN: Valparaiso University Association, 1967. Contains a facsimile of the original publication.








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