Listed in Chronological Order of Publication (additional publications by the same author are listed with the oldest publication by that person)
Case 7 shelf 2
- The Doctrine of Original Sin Defended. Worcester: Isaiah Thomas, 1757.
- A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections. Boston, 1794.
- The Life and Character of…Jonathan Edwards. Edinburgh, 1799. Extracts from his private writings and sermons.
- A History of the Work of Redemption. Worcester: Whipple, 1808.
John Witherspoon 1722-1794
Case 1 shelf 3
Witherspoon signed the Declaration of Independence and later served as President of the College of New Jersey (= Princeton).
- Sermons on Practical Subjects. 1768.
- Practical Discourses on the Leading Truths of the Gospel. 1792.
- The Holy Bible as Printed by Robert Aitken and Approved and Recommended by the Congress of the United States of America in 1782. Facsimile. New York: American Bible Society, 1968. Donated by Edgar Krentz. Case 1 shelf 3
- Westminster Confession. Scottish Reformed Church of North America. 1799. Case 1 shelf 3
- Biblia. Vorrede by Gottlob Jungman. Reading, PA, 1805. First German Bible since the three editions of Christoph Sauer. Case 4 shelf 3
- All the remaining items: Case 5 shelf 3
- The Prophetic History of the Christian Religion. Volume 1. By J. George Schmucker. Baltimore: Schaeffer and Maund, 1816. John George Schmucker (1771-1854) helped found the General Synod and the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg.
- Die Prophetische Geschichte von den Siegen Christi und seiner Kirche. By J. George Schmucker. Baltimore: Zetzener, 1843.
- Liturgy or Formulary for the Use of Evangelical Lutheran Churches. Compiled by a committee, appointed by the Synod of Ohio. Lancaster, OH: John Herman, 1830.
S. S. Schmucker 1799-1873
Elements of Popular Theology. By S. S. Schmucker. 2nd edition. New York: Leavitt, Lord, and Co., 1834. The rare books collection also includes a 5th edition published in 1845.
- Kurzgefasste Geschichte der Christlichen Kirche. By S. S. Schmucker. Gettysburg, 1834. There are also two additional copies.
- Discourse in Commemoration of the Glorious Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. By S. S. Schmucker. Gould and Newman, 1838. There are also three additional copies.
- The American Lutheran Church, Historically, Doctrinally, and Practically Delineated. By S. S. Schmucker. 2nd edition. Springfield: D. Harbaugh, 1851.There are also three additional copies.
- A Tract for the Times or Elemental Contrast betwee the Religion of Forms and of the Spirit. By S. S. Schmucker. Gettysburg, 1852.
- Lutheran Manual on Scriptural Principles. By S. S. Schmucker. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston, 1855.
- A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. By Charles Hodge. Philadelphia: Grigg & Elliot, 1835. Charles Hodge, 1797-1878, was a professor at Princeton.
- History of the American Lutheran Church…1685-1842. By Ernest L. Hazelius. Zanesville, 1846. Ernest Lewis Hazelius, 1777-1853, came to America in 1800. He was professor at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary from 1830-1833.
- The Swedish Church in America. Discourse Delivered before the Historical Society of the American Lutheran Church. May 18, 1848. By William M. Reynolds. Gettysburg: H. C. Neinstedt, 1849.
- Definite Platform, Doctrinal and Disciplinarian, for Evangelical Lutheran District Synods. Philadelphia: Miller & Burlock, 1855. Also a second copy from 1856.
- A Plea for the Augsburg Confession. By W. J. A. Mann. 3 copies.
- Lutheranism in America: An Essay on the Present Condition of the Lutheran Church in the United States. By W. J. Mann.Philadelphia: Linday & Blakiston, 1857. Mann (1819-1892) was a theologian of the General Council. He was born in Stuttgart. 3 copies.
- The Broken Platform: A Brief Defence of our Symbolical Books. By John N. Hoffman. Philadelphia: Linday & Glakiston, 1856.
- Early History of the Lutheran Church in America. By C. W. Schaeffer. Philadephia: Lutheran Board of Publication, 1857.
- Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware, from their First Settlement in 1636 to the Present Time. By Jehu Curtis Clay. 2nd editiion. Philadelphia, 1858.
- Der Missourische Geist und die Lehre der Lutherischen Kirche. B J. A. A. Grabau. Buffalo, 1860. Grabau (1804-1879) was born near Magdeburg and was imprisoned twice for refusal to use the official church Agenda. He opposed its Reformed tendencies.
- Die Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche die wahre sichtbare Kirche Gottes auf Erden. By C. F. W. Walther. St. Louis, 1867.
- Church-Forms for the Performance of Ministerial Acts. Philadelphia: Lutheran Book Store, 1872.
- Woman in Sacred History. By Harriet Beecher Stowe. New York: Ford, 1874.
- Das General-Konzel…Eröffnungsrede….October 16, 1884. Philipp Friedrich Adolph Theodor Spaeth (1839-1910) was President of the General Council from 1880-1888.
- Nachrichten von den vereinigten Deutschen Gemeinen in Nord America, absonderlich in Pennsylvanien. 2 volumes. Halle, 1886 and 1895.
- The Doctrinal Development of the Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of the State of New York. An address by J. Nicum, 1887.
- Conversion and Election. A Plea for a United Lutheranism in America. By F. Pieper. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1913.
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