- Geneva Bible Annotated NT 1602 edition. 1989 facsimile. Donated by Edgar Krentz. Case 4 Shelf 1
- Geschichte der Bildung, der Schicksale, und der Befestigung der Protestanischen Kirche or Geschichte der Entstehung, der Veränderungen unsers protestantischen Lehrbegrifs vom Anfang der Reformation bis zu der Einführung der Concordienformel. By Gottlieb Jakob Planck. 2nd improved editiion. Leipzig: Siegfried Lebrecht Crusius, 1791-1800. Eight volumes. Planck = 1751-1833. Volumes 1-4 Case 2 Shelf 3 front; Volumes 5-8 Case 2 Shelf 3 Back Row, as are the following except where noted.
Gustav Vasa Bible. Uppsala, 1540-1541. This is the first edition of the whole Bible in Swedish. It was used at the ordination of graduates of Augustana Seminary in 1940 and 1947. Gustavus I was king of Sweden from 1523-1560 and sent first Lutheran missionaries to the Lapps in 1559. His grandson was Gustavus Adolphus, who was killed in the Thirty Years War.
- Harmonia Evangelicae Libri IIII. By Andreas Osiander the elder 1498-1552. 1545. Osiander sided with Luther at Marburg.
Hauptartickel Christlicher Lehre im Latein genandt: Loci Theologici. By Philip Melanchthon and translated into German by Justus Jonas. Nürnberg, 1559. Reviewed by Melanchthon in 1555. Case 3 Shelf 3
- Historia Comitiorum…. By Georg Coelestin. Frankfurt am Oder: Eichorn, 1602. 4 volumes in 1. Coelestin (1525-1579) had a rival named David Chytraeus (1530-1600), who accused him of using material which Chytraeus had gathered. See Robert Kolb, “Augsburg 1530: German Luther Interpretations of the Diet of Augsburg to 1577.” Sixteenth Century Journal 1 (1980): 47-61. Signatures in the book by Charles Porterfield Krauth and Beale Melanchthon Schmucker. A second copy dated 1597, with the signature of H. E. Jacobs.
Historien von des Ehrwürdigen in Gott seeligen theuren Manns Golttes D. Martini Luthers. By Johannes Mathesius. Nürnberg: Paul Kaugmann, 1567. BR325.M32. History of Martin Luther in Sermons by Johannes Mathesius 1504-1565. New LW 9.5. This volume contains sixteen sermons; the original seventeenth sermon is missing. A second copy, from 1600, contains all seventeen sermons and two additional works: Gegründetete aussführliche Bericht auf alle Fragen und Disputationes, Von der heiliger Schrift….Written against Johannes Pistorius (1546-1608) and others by Jacob Heilbrunner (1548-1618), and Der keusche Pabst by Philipp Heilbrunner. A third volume, from 1715, was previously owned by W. W. F. Albrecht, Professor at Concordia Theological Seminary, Springfield, Illinois. In addition to the sermons by Mathesius, it contains Historie oder kurtze Bericht von dem Leben und Reformation des seel. Luthers. By Philip Melanchthon.
- Historischer Bericht vom Anfang und ersten Fortgang der Reformation Lutheri. By Wilhelm Ernst Tentzel. Preface by Ernst Salomon Cyprian.
- In Acta Apostolica Homiliae Centum Viginti Duae (122 homilies on the Acts of the Apostles). by Johann Brentz. Frankfurt, 1541. Brentz, 1499-1570, consistely supported Luther in the communion controversy, but retained interest in Waldensians and Huguenots.
- An indulgence, dated 1515, offered by Albert, archbishop of Mainz, on the authority of Pope Leo X. Donated by Edgar Krentz.
Case 8 Shelf 1
- In Genesin. ,Primum Librum Moysi. By Nicholaus Selnecker. Leipzig, 1569. Selnecker studied under Melanchthon and was one of the principal authors of the Formula of Concord. This Latin commentary on Genesis was given to Professor Arthur Carl Piepkorn by a group of students at Concordia Seminary in 1958. From the estate of John H. Tietjen.
The picture of creation below is on the title page of Selnecker’s Genesis.
- The Institution of Christian Religion. By John Calvin. Translated by Thomas Norton. 1634. End of Case 2 Shelf 3 Back Row
Loci Theologici recognigti per Philippum Melanthonem. Leipzig, sine anni indicio = without indication of the year. From the estate of John H. Tietjen. Case 3 Shelf 3
Luther on the Sacraments; or the Distinctive Doctrines of the Evang. Lutheran Church, respecting Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Newmarket: Solomon D. Henkel & Brs., 1853. This book was given to LSTC by Virginia Coiner Classick in memory of her father, the Rev. Professor Harry G. Coiner. Further details under The Christian Book of Concord (above).
Case 2 shelf 4 front row for the following books except where noted
- Newe volkommene Chronica Philippi Melanthois. A New Comprehensive Chronicle of what happened from the beginning of the world up to the present time. By Phillip Melanchthon 1569 or 1572. A contribution of the Rev. and Mrs. H. Bosch, Elma NY.
- Nicolaus Marschalk’s Commencement Address. Delivered at the University of Wittenberg, January 18, 1503. Translated into English with Introduction and Notes by Edgar C. Reinke and Gottfried G. Krodel. Valparaiso University, 1967. Donated by Edgar Krentz.
- Om Jerusalems Tempels. A Swedish translation of Henricus Bünting, IInerarium sacrae scripturae. 2nd edition, 1595. A description of the travels of biblical characters.
- Patent issued by Franz Joseph II of Austria legalizing Protestantism on October 1, 1781. Facsimile donated by Edgar Krentz.
Case 8 Shelf 1
Postilla Guillermi super Epistolas et evangelia. Basel: Thomas Wolff, 1521. Guillaume d’Auvergne, 1180/90-1248/1248. Significant for the development of Scholasticism. From the estate of John H. Tietjen.
Psalter Sampt der Ausslegung und Verklerung D. Johann Bugenhagen. Nurnberg, 1562. Translated from Latin into German. Bugenhagen was praised by Luther for his commentary on the Psalter. An earlier translation by Martin Bucer in 1526 was criticized because it introduced a Reformed understanding of the Lord’ Supper. Psalm 119 is an alphabetic acrostic and each of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet is illustrated by a picture. E.g. ayin = “eye.” Filed with exhibit books
- The Psalter of David. By Martin Bucer. Facsimile 1971. Bucer, 1495-1553, worked extensively to reconcile German Lutherans and Swiss Reformed on eucharistic matters. He wound up in England and his Psalter was translated into English in 1530.
Ein Radschlag über den Lutherischen Handel.… By Jacob Schorr, 1526. Schorr, secretary to Ludwig, the Count Palatine, was asked by the latter to advise him on the validity of Luther’s teaching and answered in this booklet with a discussion of the power and authority of the church. Luther and the Pope did not agree on how the church was built. The Pope wanted to build the church on St. Peter, but Luther wanted to build it on Christ. From the estate of John H. Tietjen.
- Reformations Geschichte in einem Auszug aus Veit Ludwig von Seckendorf Historia Lutheranismi. With notes by Johann Friedrich Roos. 2nd edition. Tübingen, 1788.
- Sacre theosophie licentiati nostre tenpe. By Gabriel Biel. 1514.
- Sechs Propheten. By Aegidius Hunnius. Wittneberg, 1618.
- Sermones Fratris Roberti. 1540
- Summaria uber die gantze Bibel. By Veit Dietrich, 1553. A second copy from 1585.
- Ein Unterredung zwischen dem Pasquillen und Deutschen von dem zukünfftigen Concilio zu Mantua. By Antonius Corvinus, 1501-1553. Wittenberg: Hans Lufft, 1537. From the estate of John H. Tietjen.
Vorrede by Luther to an essay by Justus Menius, 1494?-1558, against a publication by the Franciscan Konrad Kling (d. 1566). Widder der hochberühmten Barfüsser zu Erfurt. WA 23 (13-14) 15-16. From the estate of John H. Tietjen.
- Warer Bericht der alten Christlichen Mesz, Nachtmal des Herren. By Johannes Spreter (1490-1549). Ulm: Varnier, 1532. Previously owned by W. H. T. Dau. From the estate of John H. Tietjen.
End of Case 2 Shelf 4 front row
Case 2 Shelf 4 back row
A series of catalogs collected by President Gruber
Names of Catalogs Need to be typed in
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