Der 127. Psalm ausgelegt an die Christen zu Riga. Erfurt: Wolfgang Stürmer, 1524. Aland 622; Benzing 1952. WA 15 (348-359) 360-378. LW 45:311-337. Exposition of Psalm 127 for the Christians at Riga. From the estate of John H. Tietjen.
- Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift. 81st ed. Halle: In der Cansteinischen Bibel=Anstalt, 1777.
Eine Bericht an einen Guten Freund von Beider Gestalt des Sacraments. Wittenberg: Joseph Klug, 1528. A report to a good friend on both forms of the sacrament. WA 26 (555-559) 560-618. Same as Gruber 96.
Ein Brief an die zu Frankfurt am Main, 1532. WA 30 III (554-557) 558-571. Deals with Zwingli. Also Luthers Sendbrief an den Rat und die Gemeinde der Stadt Mühlhausen. 1524. WA 15 (230-238) 238-240. This deals with Thomas Müntzer.
Ein Brief D. Mart. Luthers von den Schleichern und Winckel Predigern. 1532. WA 30 III (510-517) 518-527.LW 40:379-394 Concerning infiltrating and Clandestine Preachers. Conrad Bergendoff, the translator, takes Luther to task for his harsh treatment of the Anabaptists. A second copy comes from the estate of John H. Tietjen.
- A Commentarie upon the Fifteen Psalmes, Called Psalmi Graduum, that is Psalms of Degrees. Faithfully copied out of the Lectures of D. Martin Luther. Translated out of Latin by Henry Bul. London: Richard Field, 1615.
- A Commentary upon the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians. Philadelphia: Aitken, 1801. Printed on the back of the title page: Whereas, Luther, in this Commentary, inveighs much against a sect called Anabaptists, as they were a seditious and turbulent set of people; the candid reader will find, in perusing these discourses, that they are not at all like those Christian congregations, at this day, called Baptists. Jan 9, 1760. Two additional copies of this commentary from 1580 are also in the collection.
- D. Mart. Lutheri Colloquia. An English translation of Luther’s Table Talk in three copies from the 17th century.
Dass Jesus Christus ein geborener Jude sei. (That Jesus Christ was born a Jew). Wittenberg: Cranach and Döring, 1523. Aland 351; Benzing 1530 WA 11 (307-313) 314-336. LW45:195-220. Luther here expresses a very positive attitude to the Jews and hopes that the newly articulated gospel will win them for the faith. Unfortunately, later in life Luther published several essays that were very harmful to the Jews, including the notorious “On the Jews and their Lies.” In 1523 Luther wrote: “I hope that if one deals in a kindly way with the Jews and instructs them carefully from Holy Scripture, many of them will become genuine Christians and turn again to the faith of their fathers, the prophets and patriarchs. They will only be frightened further away from it if their Judaism is so utterly rejected that nothing is allowed to remain, and they are treated only with arrogance and scorn.” From the Estate of John H. Tiejten.
- Erzählung von Dr. Martin Luthers seligem Abschied aus diesem Leben. The story of Dr. Martin Luther’s blessed departure from this life. Berlin 1846. Book also includes a number of Pietistic tracts.
A Facsimile of Luther’s Small Catechism. Published in 1979 by Concordia Publishing House on the 450th anniversary of the first publication. This is a copy of the 1531 edition held by the Bodleian Library at Oxford. There are no known copies of the original publication of 1529.
Der Gesang Simeonis oder Nunc Dimittis. Wittenberg, 1526. A sermon preached on the day of the purification of Mary, February 2, 1526. WA 20 (240-258). Not in LW. Note the picture of the suicide of Lucretia. See the words of Simeon to Mary in Luke 2:35: “A sword will pierce your own soul too.” From the estate of John H. Tietjen.
- Kleiner Katechismus. By D. Martin Luther. Dresden: Julius Naumann, 1688.
- Kleiner Katechismus. By Martin Luther. Nürnberg: Medien & Kultur, 1979.This is a facsimile of a 1547 edition published at Nürnberg by Christoff Gutknecht. Donated by Edgar Krentz.
- Kleiner Katechismus. By Martin Luther. A facsimile of the 1536 edition, published by Pastor O. Albrecht. Halle, 1905. At the back of the book there is a photograph of Katechismustafel a large sheet on paper on which parts of the catechism were originally printed.
- Lebensgeschichte des Martin Luther. By Johann Matthias Schroeck 1733-1808. 1792.
- Luthers Erbe in Russland. 1917. Book sent by Pr. Richard A. Solberg in 1991.
- Luthers Leben aus den Quellen erzählt. By Moritz Meurer. Vol. 1. Dresden: Justus Naumann, 1843. Donated by the Rev. David Lewis.
Martin Luther’s Last Will and Testament. By Tibor Fabiny. Dublin: Ussher Press, 1982. Description of how the will was composed, lost, and found. Donated by Edgar Krentz. The will was written on Epiphany, 1542. The picture shows the signatures of Philipp Melanchthon, Caspar Cruciger, and Johannes Bugenhagen, who served as witnesses.
Ob man vor dem Sterben fliehen möge (Whether one may flee from a deathly plague). Marburg: Loersfelt, 1527. WA 23 (323-337) 338-379. LW 43:113-138. From the estate of John H. Tietjen.
- Passional Christi und Antichristi. Facsimile copy donated by Edgar Krentz. It contains a letter by Pius IX and a response by Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany.
Der Prophet Jona ausgelegt durch Martin.Lutth. Erfurt: Melchior Sachssen, 1526. WA 19 (169-184) 185-251. LW 19:33-104. From the estate of John H. Tietjen.
Sändebrief till twenn Kyrkoberdar. Om Wederdopet, 1528. Galesburg, IL, 1857. WA 26 (137-144) 144-174.
Der sechs und dreyssigist psalm David. 1521 in a 1921 facsimile. WA 8 (205-209) 210-240. Exegesis of Psalm 36.
Sendbrief (open letter) of Luther to Albrecht von Preussen (1490-1568) dealing with a few “Rottengeister” (= enthusiasts, fanatical spirits). Wittenberg: Nickel Schirlentz, 1532. WA 30, 3, (541-546) 547-553. Not in LW. From the estate of John H. Tietjen.
Ein Sendbrieff vom Dolmetschen und Fürbitte der Heiligen. Wittenberg: Rhau, 1530. WA 30, 2, (627-631) 632-646. LW 35:175-202. On Translating. An Open Letter.
Das Siebenste Capitel S. Pauli zu den Chorinthen ausgelegt. 1523. 1 Corinthians 7 had been the basis for the defense of the celibate life ever since St. Jerome. Luther dedicated this discussion of the blessings of Christian marriage to Hans von Löser, for his wedding, which took place in the following year. WA 12 (88-95) 95-142. LW 28:1-56.
- Theologia Germanica. Edited by Dr. Pfeiffer and translated by Susanna Winkworth. Boston: Jewett, 1856 (1518). A 72 page introduction. Luther’s preface on pp. xvii-xx. Donated by Edgar Krentz.
Trostunge an die Christen zu Halle. WA 23 (390-400) 402-431. LW 43: 139-165. A Letter of Consolation to the Christians at Halle upon the Death of their Pastor, George Winkler. This pastor had been assassinated, perhaps because he defended the distribution of the sacrament in two kinds. See also Gruber 154a. Another copy of this treatise is from the estate of John H. Tietjen.
Vermahung zum Sakrament des Leibs und Bluts unsers Herrn. Admonition Concerning the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of our Lord. November, 1530. WA 30 II (589) 595-626. LW 38:91-137. Admonition concerning the Sacrament of the Body and Blood or our Lord.
Von der Widdertauffe an zween Pfarrherrn. 1528. Concerning Rebaptism. Luther gives advice to two pastors on how to counteract this practice. WA 26 (137-144) 144-174.
Von der Winckelmesse und Pfaffenweihe. Wittenberg: Nickel Schlentz, 1533. The Private Mass and the Consecration of Priests. Attack on the private mass was primary and his impugning of the consecration of priests was secondary. WA 38 (171-195) 195-256. LW 38:139-214.
Von Herrn Lenhard Keiser, in Bayern um des Evangeliums willen verbrannt. 1527. Lenhard Keiser was burned for the sake of the gospel. WA 23 (443-451) 452-476.
Ein Widderruff vom Fegfeuer. Wittenberg: Hans Lufft, 1530. A Revocation of Purgatory. WA 30 II (360-366) 367-390. New LW 6.13.
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