- Haus Postille. Title page lacking. 1621 or 1635. The woodcuts in this and the next volume are similar, but the sermons are different. Given in 1973 by Geza St. Galy in remembrance of his friendship with Walter Wolbrecht.
- Hauspostill über die Sontags und der fürnemesten Feste Evangelien. Jena: Tobias Steinman, 1597. From library of Axel Kildegaard.
- Der Gesang Simeonis oder Nunc Dimittis. Wittenberg, 1526. Aland 428; Benzing 2355. WA 20:240-258. A sermon on the Nunc Dimittis, preached on the day of the purification of Mary, February 2, 1526. The Roman woman pictured on the title page is Lucretia, who comitted suicide. Apparently this is an allusion to Simeon’s word to Mary that a sword will pierce your soul also. Luke 2:35. From the estate of John H. Tietjen.
Eine Predigt…das man Kinder zur Schulen halten solle. A sermon on keeping children in school. WA 30 II (508-517) 517-588. LW 46:207-258. Published August, 130. This is a companion piece to: To the Councilmen of all Cities in Germany that they Establish and Maintain Christian Schools. WA 15:27-53. LW 45:339-378.
Eine Predigt vom Verloren Schaf. August 23-24, 1532. A Sermon on the Lost Sheep. Preached on August 23-24, 1532. WA 36: 370-303.
Eine Predigt von den Engeln. Preached on September 29, 1530. A sermon on the angels based on Mt 18:1ff. WA 32:111-121.
Ein Sermon auff Matthei xxii. Vom zinsgroschen. Wittenberg, 1535. WA 37: XLf. 583-604. From the estate of John H. Tietjen.
Ein Sermon über das Evangelion Johannis am XX. April 21, 1530, the Thursday after Easter. A sermon on Mary Magdalene based on John 20:11-18. WA 32:76-93. New LW 7.69.
Ein Sermon vom Kreutz und Leiden. April 16, 1530. Preached on the Saturday before Easter at Coburg Castle, where Luther stayed during the Diet of Augsburg. A sermon on the cross and suffering.. Notes for the sermon were taken down by Veit Dietrich. WA 32:28-39. LW 51:193-208.
Ein Sermon von Christlicher Gerechtigkeit oder Vergebung der Sünden. Preached on October 5, 1529. A sermon on Christian righteousness of the forgiveness of sins. WA 29 (562-564) 564-582.
Ein Sermon von den Hayltumben. Preached on September 14, 1522. A sermon about relics, also called Ein Sermon von dem heiligen Kreuz. A sermon on the holy cross. WA 10 III 332-341. 300 copies of a facsimile were printed in 1970, of which this is #272. Publisher: Günter Nobil.
Summa des christlichen Lebens aus S. Paulo. Preached on November 24, 1532. A sermon on the sum of the Christian life, 1 Timothy 1:5-7. Caspar Cruciger took notes on the sermon and prepared this transcript. Luther: I think Cruciger made a better sermon than the one I preached. WA 36 (xxvii) 352-375. LW 51:257-287.
Eine tröstliche Predigt von der zukunfft Christi und den vorgehenden Zeichen des Jüngsten Tags. Preached on December 10, 1531. A comforting sermon about the future of Christ and the signs preceding the Judgment Day. WA 34 II: 459-482
Von eigener Gerechtigkeit. A sermon preached on December 12 and 19, 1529. On one’s own righteousness. Two sermons based on Deuteronomy 9. WA 28: 736-757.
Was Christus und sein Königsreich sey aus dem Propheten Micah. Cap 5 gepredigt. Preached on January 6, 1532. A sermon based on Micah 5. WA 36:50-63.
Wie das Gesetze und Evangelion recht gründlich zuunterscheiden sind. A sermon based on Galatians 3. How the law and the gospel are to be rightly distinguished. WA 36:8-23. New LW 7.72.
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