Anniversary Medals for the Augsburg Confession

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Obverse: Johann Georg I 1615-1656. Confess Luther Aug Exhibitae seculum. One hundred years since the handing over of the Lutheran Confession at Augsburg.1630 June 25.
Reverse: The name of the Lord is the strongest tower. Johann Georg I. 1530 June 25. Sachsen Kurfürstentum, 1630. Weight 29.1gr; Height 45 mm; Width 44.71 mm. Brozatus #721; Schnell 71; Whiting 105; Zak 18. The two images need to be switched.

Obverse: D. M. Luther. Theol. in. Ger. Restaur. Doctor Martin Luther, Renewer of Theology in Germany.
Reverse: Concordes = of one mind. Two hands hold book with A C = Augsburg Confession. Berlin, 1730. Note the tiny size of this medal! Weight 1gr. Height 8.12 mm; Width 8.12 mm. Brozatus #1025. Whiting, 370; Zak 106.

Obverse: Dr. Martin Luther Philipp Melanchthon. Designed by Peter Paul Werner.
Reverse: A good confession before many witnesses. 1 Tim 6:12. Depicted: Christian Beyer reading the Augsburg Confession to Charles V. Aug. Conf. Memoria. Renov. MDCCXXX.  Weight 28.6 gr; Height 43.63 mm; Width 43.48 mm. Schnell 228; Whiting 418-420; Zak 120-121.

Duplicate of previous slide. Weight 29.2 gr; Height 43.63 mm; Width 43.62 mm



Obverse: Dr. Martin Luther Philipp Melanchthon. Design by Daniel Siegmund Dockler
Reverse: If you follow this light, you will not go astray. Augsburg Confession 2nd centennial 1730. Long carrying staves like those used for the ark of the covenant. Weight 2.9 gr; Height 21.43 mm; Width 21.46 mm. Brozatus #1063;  Schnell 232; Whiting 421; Zak 126.


Obverse: Truly worthy to open the book and its seals. Rev 5:2, 5, 9. The word of God abides forever. Luke 21:33.
Reverse: Ob data a triuno confessioni Augustanae Gaudia Ducenaria VII Kai IVL. 1730. Issued at Nürnberg. Zweihundertjahrfeier wegen der von der dreieinigen Augsburger Konfession gegebenen Freuden.
Brozatus #1071 or 1071A. Weight 12.7 gr; Height 33.35 mm; Width 35.25 mm.


Obverse: Dr. Martin Luther Philipp Melanchthon
Reverse: God helps it early (city set on a rock). Psalm 46. A.C.Z. G. = Augsburg Confession 2nd centennial 1730. City depicts heavenly Jerusalem.Towers support crosses.  Issued at Nürnberg.  Weight 2.6 gr; Height 21.37 mm; Width 21.38 mm. Brozatus #1067, 1068; Schnell 230; Whiting 413

Obverse: Dr. Martin Luther Philipp Melanchthon.
Reverse: Whoever confesses me, I will also confess that person. Augsburg Confession. Nürnberg 1730. At bottom second Jubilee of the handing over of the Augsburg Confession.Weight 14.9 gr; Height 32.05 mm; Width 32.08 mm. Brozatus #1065; Schnell 231; Whiting 416; Zak 125.



Obverse: Dr. Martin Luther Philipp Melanchthon
Reverse: Whoever confesses me, I will also confess that person. Augsburg Confession 1730. At bottom second Jubilee of the handing over of the Augsburg Confession.Weight 15 gr; Height 31.97 mm; Width 32.08 mm Brozatus #1065; Schnell 238; Whiting 416; Zak 125



Obverse: O Land! Land! Land! Hear the word of the Lord. 3rd Jubilee celebration of the Augsburg Confession. June 25, 1830. On Bible: Jeremiah 22:29.
Reverse: Dr. Christian Bayer Chursaechsischer Kanzler hands over to the King Charles V the evangelical Confession at the Reichstag at Augsburg. June 25, 1530. Prussia. Weight 43 gr; Height 44.31 mm; Width 44.21 mm. Brozatus #1307a; Schnell 307; Whiting 659; Zak 247.



Obverse: Melanchthon, John the Steadfast (1468-1532), and Luther. On June 25, 1530
Reverse: A hand, descending from a cloud, points toward the Bible on which is written Ps 19:8. Seek the truth. It will make you free. Sachsen 1830. Weight 28.3 gr; Height 42.82 mm; Width 42.65 mm. Brozatus #1324, but without the loop  at the top of the medal

Obverse: Dr. Martin Luther
Reverse: Third Centennial Celebration of the Augsburg Confession. June 25, 1830. Dresden, Saxony. Design by Krüger. Weight 3.3 gr; Height 21.43 mm; Width 21.86 mm. Brozatus #1311; Schnell 314; Zak 250.

Obverse: Martin Luther, Johann the Steadfast; Philipp Melanchthon. In their memory. June 25, 1830.
Reverse: June  25, 1530. This is such a confession that with the help of God can also endure against the gates of hell. Chancellor Bayer hands over the Augsburg Confession to Charles V. Weight 29.3 gr; Height 23.13 mm; Weight 23.13 mm. Brozatus #1310; Schnell 312; Whiting 663; Zak 254-255.

Obverse: Martin Luther, Johann the Steadfast, and Philipp Melanchthon. In their memory. June 25, 1830.
Reverse: This is such a great confession that also with the help of God can endure against the gates of hell. June 25, 1530 See also the description of the preceding medal. Dresden. Weight 34.5 gr; Height 23.11 mm; Width 23.10 mm. Brozatus #1310a; Zak 254.

Obverse: Dr. Martin Luther. Philipp Melanchthon.
Reverse: Episcopal Palace at Augsburg in 1530. Third Jubilee celebration of the handing over of the Augsburg Confession on June 25, 1830. Medal made by Johann Jacob Neuss the younger. Weight 13.9 gr; Height 17 mm; Width 17.03 mm. Brozatus #1305Schnell 315; Whiting 652; Zak 239.

Obverse: The name of the Lord is a very strong tower. 1517
Reverse: June 25 Augsburg Confession 1530. Let us rejoice. 1880. American Lutheran Church. Weight 20.8 gr; Height 22.05 mm; Width 22.05 mm. Whiting 747; Zak 285.

Obverse: Philipp Melanchthon, Dr. Martin Luther
Reverse: Augsburg Confession 1530-1930. By faith alone. Dresden. By Fritz Hörnlein.  Weight 21.7 gr; Height 35.88 mm; Width 35.89 mm. Brozatus #1568; Schnell 375; Zak 371.

Obverse: Philipp Melanchthon Martin Luther. Design by Karl Goetz.
Reverse: Augsburg Confession. 1530 and 1930. Reading of Augsburg Confession by Christian Beyer before Charles V. Shows the coat of arms of Nürnberg, Augsburg, and Reutlingen. Issued at Munich. Weight 21.2 gr; Height 36.21 mm; Width 36.25 mm. Brozatus #1570; Schnell 375; Whiting 887.

Obverse: Dr. Martin Luther. John the Steadfast. April-October 1930.
Reverse: I will not die but live. Coburg Castle 1530. Below Luther’s and Coburg’s coat of arms. Weight 19.8 gr; Height 36.08 mm; Width 36.07 mm. Brozatus #1571; Schnell 376; Whiting 894; Zak 373.

Obverse: D. Martin Luther 1930 Meissen. Schwerte Marke mit Pfeifferpunkt..
Reverse: Confessio Augustana 1530-1930. Crowned coat of arms of Augsburg
Weight 34.3 gr; Height 63.09 mm; Width 63.11 mm. Brozatus #1569; Whiting 898


Obverse: Martin Luther, John of Saxony, Ph. Melanchthon.June 25th, 1530
Reverse: American Lutheran Quadricentennial of the Augsburg Confession 1930. Concordia Publishing House of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Brozatus #1574; Whiting 903; Zak 377

Obverse: 1530 450 Years A Stand of Faithfulness 1980. Augsburg Confession Presented to Charles V. June 25, 1530. Psalm 119:44.
Reverse: 1580 400 Years of Concord 1980. No man can lay a foundation other than the one that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 3:11. Anniversary Celebration Book of Concord. Weight 6.5 gr; Height 38.41mm; Width 38.41 mm. Katalog der Gedenkmedaillen auf Martin Luther und die Reformation. Museen der Lutherstadt Eisleben, 1984. Klaus-Peter Brozatus, H 4. Brozatus #1632.



Photographs contributed by the Rev. Frederick J. Schumacher


Brozatus, Klaus-Peter. Refomatio in Nummis. Osnabrück: Künker, 2015
Schnell, Hugo. Martin Luther und die Reformation auf Münzen und Medaillen. München: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1983.
Martin Luther und die Reformation auf Münzen und Medaillen. Collection of Robert B. Whiting. April 1983.
The Story of Martin Luther and the Reformation as Told by the Coin, Medal, Jetton Collection of Miss H. E. Zak. September 1979.
Smith, Thurman L. Coins and Medals of the Reformation: A Select Bibliography. Sixteenth Century Bibliography 32. St. Louis: Center for Reformation Research, 1995.

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